Team pic above: Jo Perry, Debby Elley, Tim Tuff, Tori Houghton and David Laslett. Celebrating AuKids magazine’s 10th birthday.
AuKids magazine was edited by a parent of twins with autism and a Speech and Language Therapist with more than 15 years' experience working with children who have autism. Plus, a team of internationally renowned expert advisors.
Debby Elley,
“My kids make me laugh! Am I supposed to have lost my sense of humour because I’ve got kids with autism?”
Debby had a varied media career before her twins were born in 2003. She worked in radio as a travel reporter, trained people for the AA, worked for a PR firm, and became a sub-editor of a regional newspaper.
“AuKids was the result of looking at publications that I didn't like very much. When we launched there was no other magazine on the market especially for parents of kids with autism, and what there was on disability - well it was generally dry to say the least, with a very po-faced tone.
I don't want to read features that are full of complaints - I want bright spark solutions! As parents we don't want to be talked down to, and we don't want people writing for us as if we're victims of some awful misfortune.
Before AuKids, I'd been lucky enough to work for a newspaper editor who let me loose with a style that was very informal, and we used this approach with our new magazine. Tori and I have a real laugh writing AuKids, and I hope that our readers pick up on that and enjoy it as much as we do".
Tori Houghton, Co-Editor
“We always suggest solutions that are easily within a parent’s reach”
Tori is a speech and language therapist who has worked with children who have autism for more than 15 years. The same year that AuKids magazine was first published, she also launched her own support agency, Time Specialist Support (www.time-specialist-support.com), especially for families who have children with autism. The company is now one of the largest and most respected special needs support agencies in Manchester.
“AuKids is an unusual initiative in that it is jointly run by a parent and professional. Usually, parents stick to their own forums and professionals offer advice 'from above'. When we tackle a topic for the magazine, we look at it from both sides - professional and parent. So I hope the result is some truly practical advice that wasn't written in Cloud Cuckoo Land!
Traditionally, too much emphasis has been put on the 'impairments' of autism and not enough about the upside. Autistic kids are usually only challenging when their environment distresses them. If you can get beneath that anxiety and what causes it, they are funny, brilliant, beautiful kids."
Jo Perry, Graphic Designer
“I LOVE working on AuKids magazine. Knowing the parents and carers who read AuKids enjoy the visual side of it aswell as the features is a real bonus”
Jo, a graphic designer and animator, was a master of translating our ideas into illustrations. She and husband Paul run Periscope Studios Ltd (www.periscopestudios.co.uk) in Oldham and their impressive portfolio includes television adverts and website education material for the BBC. If we wanted something mad, wild, whacky, off the wall - Jo had it all at her fingertips. Jo is also a book illustrator, you can find her work under the name J.C. Perry
Tim Tuff, Research and Distribution
“I love working for AuKids. I enjoy reading the magazine myself, it helps me. It’s not boring!”
Tim Tuff contacted AuKids magazine the year after we launched. He is an adult with autism and said that he wished his mum had been able to buy AuKids when he was younger, and he wanted to help us. At first it was a case of working voluntarily, with magazines piled to the rafters at his mum's house. You can imagine how pleased she was!
Tim is now our autism advocate. He lends a personal angle to the features that we write and is constantly questioning traditional perceptions of autism. We interview him for our You Tube Channel so that he can share his insights with you. He has also become a speaker and is happy to talk to your support group and explain how autism affects him.
David Laslett, Photographer
David Laslett. Sometimes it takes more than just anyone with a camera to capture a special needs child at their best. Kids on the spectrum are notoriously difficult to photograph, but Dave's real speciality is the ability to relax little people in front of the camera and getting them to be - just themselves! He has become a popular photographer for special schools in the Manchester area as a result. AuKids is very lucky to have Dave as a sponsor - he provides our photography for free. See the rest of his work at www.manchesterphoto.com
Paul Clare,
AuKids needed to find a printer that didn't skimp on quality but was great value for money. Without good value printing, the magazine - a social enterprise - wouldn't be able to survive. R&P Printers in Dukinfield (www.randpprinters.co.uk) stepped up to the job and now prints both AuKids magazine and the lively leaflets and posters to promote it.